6 Household Products You Can Use As Beauty Tools

Some everyday products found in most households have surprising beauty benefits that you may not have realized. Take a look at some of these amazing multi-tasking products. The next time you need a beauty tool rescue, you might already have what you need!

Green Tea Bags As Eye De-puffers


Brew two green tea bags in a cup of boiling water for 2 minutes; chill in the fridge for 30 minutes. After enjoying your tea, place the chilled tea bags over your eyes to de-puff them and to reduce swelling. Green tea can refresh eyes and feel just as soothing as expensive gel eye packs.


Cooking Spray as Manicure Setter




Don’t have a bottle of nail polish quick dry? No worries. Just look in your cupboard to set a manicure in record time. Lightly mist freshly painted nails with cooking spray for instant smudge protection.




Baking Soda as Toothpaste or Whitener

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When you can’t squeeze another dollop out of the tube, make a paste of baking soda and water. It will get your teeth clean until you can make it to the store. Instead of whitening strips, baking soda paste every few weeks can help keep coffee and tea stains at bay.



Baking Soda As Hair Cleanser

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If daily use of hair products is weighing down your tresses, add a pinch or two of baking soda to your shampoo once a week to remove product buildup. This can do just as good a job as some of the expensive hair clarifying shampoos.




Lip Balm As Cuticle Softener 


Lip balm isn’t just for lips. It can also be rubbed on dry cuticles for a quick and economical moisturizing treatment to get you by until your next manicure.



Coconut Oil As Intensive Hair Moisturizer

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Coconut oil is an amazing way to deep condition and soften dry, damaged hair. I’ve used it many times–with fabulous results. Melt coconut oil in microwave, apply to dry hair, cover in plastic wrap, and wait at least 20 minutes before shampooing.




Isn’t it wonderful that so many everyday, inexpensive products can come to the rescue where beauty is concerned? What are some everyday products that YOU use to stay beautiful?



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